Friday, October 22, 2010

Blog 5.3-B2E Electronic Commerce

     When an employee or even a patient needs to access their information on our server, they use something called an intranet. From their home office computer or any laptop they can log onto out website and securely access sensitive information. Then through the interconnectivity of a VPN or virtual private network accessed after establishing a connection to the internet, they can access anything they are given access to under their profile. Their data is stored on our home server and after they have gained admittance and after having passed through all the necessary gateways.

Blog 5.2-B2B Electronic Commerce

     At Ferrum Medical, when a physician logs on to our secure website, they can connect to any pharmacy using our extranet. The physician, being a client uses our server as a proxy between our facility and the pharmacy's server. This client, connects to the internet through a secure firewall to then send and receive sensitive data across a VPN or virtual private network. They after this secure data travels through the VPN it gets verified by the pharamacy's firewall and then get ferried along to its destination, a drug log on the pharmacy server.

Blog 5.1-Critique Your Competitor's E-Commerce Website

To make Ferrum Medical as successful as possible we have decided to make a webpage. Before doing so we wanted to look at other websites that are successful with their websites.


Rule 1: They provide information on how to create your own account and easy methods on how to use the site.

Rule 2: it is aesthetically pleasing, it allows you to log in and gain access to your customized page and look at your friends page and comments.

Rule 3: The website is responsive and quick making it efficient. It is also user friendly, so that many people not just computer elite can utilize the site.

Rule 4: It has various multimedia venues and has ways of keeping the user interested.

Rule 5: They have a lot of advertising on the page allowing viewers to see what they might want to purchase.

Rule 6: Information about the site and its capabilities are easy to see and follow.

By accessing a successful webpage we are able to use the same rules and apply them to our Ferrum Medical webpage. Allowing for our business to become more successful and well known.

Blog 4.4-Entity Relationship Diagram

     In this Entity Relationship Diagram, there are three main Entities : Customer, Invoice, and Product.
In each entity their are different attribute types, such as name, address, phone #, etc. A specific name such as John Smith is an Attribute. Each entity is viewed as having a table, each containing rows and columns. The rows being records and columns being attributes. Each attribute has its own data type dependent upon the type of information, such as name being text and phone # being integers. The customer entity contains attribute types such as Name, Address, and gender, it also contains a customer key, and ID number that is specific to the individual so it can be accessed by the other entities. The Product entity contains attribute types such as the type of product, the price and the Product key. Like the customer key it is a reference key used to compare and correlate data in other entites.

Blog 4.3-Packet Switching Technology

      There are many users online all the time and data is being sent and received simultaneously. There was a need for a way in which to send information in a way that computers can understand that can be translated into usable information. The TCP allowed different messages to be sent over the internet via packets in any order that are reassembled later. When computer B wants to share info to computer D in the picture above, the binary data of the message sent from B is broken into manageable packets and delivered to D. The message sent from the computer B, uses TCP to send its message to computer C using package switching. The IP sets the format for the packet and the location it is to be sent and the IP information tells the router where this location is, then sends it. The packets travel independently and arrive out of order. Each packet has a header and it contains the destination and sending IP address as well as the order in which the packets are organized.

Blog 4.2-A Basic Network

       The client, represented by a laptop, connects to the internet via a wireless network connection(in the figure above). Data transmission between the client and the wireless router goes through a medium where the waves are transmitted and received. The other type of connection is a physical link. The actual wire connects to a router and is then connected to the internet using similar means to accomplish the same goal.

      Fiber optic though expensive and difficult to install and maintain, has the best possible bandwidth allowing many Gigabytes of data to be transmitted at literally the speed of light. Wireless, though convenient and reliable is easily hacked and or capable or being eavesdropped upon allowing for serious security issues. Wired using coaxial or twisted pair is more secure although the bandwidth for each is different and reduced.

     From the router, an internet connection is maintained by an ISP or internet service provider, where for a monthly fee end users gain high-speed access the World Wide Web. The Internet hub as depicted after the wired link often fiber optic cabling (not wire) links the wired or wireless router to the internet and beyond. From there the client can access a secured or unsecured server represented by the last server box at the end of the diagram. When this happens as represented by the top curved arrow the client requests information or an action of the server and the server responds to the request represented by the bottom curved arrow.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Blog 4.1-IFS H/W Infrastructure

     By using the keyboard, that is connected to the system unit ( which is a box containing all of the electronics that are in the computer). With input technology, the user is able to enter the textual data HELLO. As the keystrokes are entered the monitor displays the text, also called the Output Technologies. From there the CPU, (Central Processing Unit) Processing Technology interprets the data and translates it into machine language. In the translation of the keystrokes to binary data, the ALU and Control Unit use the ASCII code as a means to turn it into binary data and store it in secondary Storage. Electrical impulses of on and off data are organized into bits and bytes and then stored.